She Left No Note

She Left No Note
Do you enjoy reading mysteries set in Italy? The second book in the Lake Iseo Mysteries, set around Lake Iseo and in Puglia, is out now on Amazon. Click on the picture

Andalucia Day 17 Sendero de los Acantilados de Barbate

A calm night and a sand-free awakening. We go a little way by car to take the Sendero de los Acantilados de Barbate. The path at the beginning is more of a dirt road through the pinewood with glimpses of the sea. Suddenly there is no wind and the end of September sun is surprisingly hot.

Slow travel in Andalucia - Sendero de los Acantilados de Barbate

We soon arrive at Torre del Tajo where there's the Sendero Mirador with spectacular views of the 90m high cliffs below and on both sides.

Slow travel in Andalucia - Sendero de los Acantilados de Barbate - mirador

Slow travel in Andalucia - Sendero de los Acantilados de Barbate

Here the wind freshens the air nicely so we carry on back in the direction of Caños until it starts to get too sandy to walk comfortably, then go back to the Tower for a picnic lunch.

Slow travel in Andalucia - Sendero de los Acantilados de Barbate - Torre Tajo mirador

Back at the car we continue down to Barbate, busy with people now it's Saturday and quite different from in the mid-week. Time for an ice-cream and a coffee on the seafront looking at the waves.
After a relaxing walk along the seafront, some fish from Mercadona, there is the same lady from the other day who remembers us and asks if the little squids were good. On the way back to the campsite we stop in the Barbate natural park to read and relax. In the shade of the pine trees with the wind for the first time in  over two weeks I feel nearly cold. Back at the campsite we toast the last of the tomatoes with cider from Galicia. The taste takes me back to sitting out in the back garden in Weston-super-mare on a rare visit from my uncle. Somerset, another place for cider. Tomorrow to the hometown of sherry.
Kilometres by car: 18
Kilometres on foot: 13


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