She Left No Note

She Left No Note
Do you enjoy reading mysteries set in Italy? The second book in the Lake Iseo Mysteries, set around Lake Iseo and in Puglia, is out now on Amazon. Click on the picture

Puglia in May - Punta Penna Grossa

Friday morning is spent washing shopping cooking, mundane but necessary things. In the afternoon we return to Punta Penna Grossa where we are among the very few to have parked in the official car park. Never mind, the walk through the fields, still with flashes of bright yellow, red or pink from the spring flowers with the deep blue sea our objective makes it a pleasant stroll. There are a handful of people on the beach and a corresponding number of parked cars. We are equipped with towels to lie on and a sun umbrella and find a quiet corner. 

The water is beautiful, totally transparent, and in that sheltered and shallow corner the strong sun has warmed it enough to make a swim possible and pleasant.

Puglia in May - Punta Penna Grossa

Puglia in May - Punta Penna Grossa

After, I bask in the now almost harmless late afternoon sun to warm up.

More people arrive, this time with two dogs and a ball, not allowed in the nature reserve, but then neither is car access as far as the beach. Oh well, I try not to let it annoy me.

On the way back we stop at Pantanagianni, a moon shaped sandy beach with transparent water and again at Torre Pezzola where there are rocks interspersed by occasional sandy bays. There are some fishermen hoping for octopus and one with a wetsuit has caught one and is busy beating the (dead) octopus against the rocks to soften it. We walk a little way along the coast. 

Puglia in May - Punta Penna Grossa

By now the sun is almost setting and the moon has appeared, time to go back 'home'. 


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