Madrid in January Day 4 Botanical garden and back to El Prado
On Tuesday morning it’s cold, but the Real Jardin Botanico is free from 10 until 13 on Tuesdays and we want to visit El Prado again in the afternoon so we get to the botanical garden at just past 10 o’clock. It is indeed cold (I may have mentioned that) so out first stop is at the invernaderos, the greenhouses. The first is a little less chilly than outside and the middle one, the semi-tropical one, is a delightful mix of warmth and humidity. All the greenhouses host interesting plants, some even flowering and the last one is also the oldest. Under the metal grilles in the floor they used to put manure because the fermentation was enough to warm the place. Coming out of the greenhouses one notices the difference in temperature, but we head up to the Bonsai Terrace, well, to the several Bonsai terraces. Not my favourites, in general, bonsais, but these are something special due to their shape, dimensions and age. Our favourite is probably the strawberry tree, especially because, de...