She Left No Note

She Left No Note
Do you enjoy reading mysteries set in Italy? The second book in the Lake Iseo Mysteries, set around Lake Iseo and in Puglia, is out now on Amazon. Click on the picture

Piombino in October - San Vincenzo and Spiaggia Principessa

San Vincenzo's population in the summer swells from its 7000 inhabitants to over 50000 but on this summer-like windless late October morning there's just a handful of people around, the sky is blue, the sea is blue, what more could one possibly want. We walk through the centre along the harbour and discover the Passeggiata del Marinaio before hunger strikes.

We return to Osteria Chirstians which we discovered in May and opt for the menu fisso 15€ but now not including coperto su €16.50.  There's a tasty panzanella while we are waiting and then I choose pasta Allo scoglio, not my usual choice but I don't want ordinary Ragu or tomato. It's delicious, exactly enough chilli but not too much, exactly enough garlic but not too much, exactly enough tomato but not too much and plenty of fish. Oh yes and the portion is enormous, just what I needed to compensate for Cinzia's yeterday.

Main course we do half each of Swordfish and grilled sardines and homecut chips but it's almost superfluous. Oh yes and my café macchiato caldo is the perfect mini cappuccino I like. Total 35€

All is right with the world as we park near the start of the Principessa beach for a walk. This was a suggestion from our friends of the wild boar lunch on Sunday, and an excellent one. After a short stretch on the sand there's a long long walkway where the pinewood meets the beach. Spectacular. Nature. Sea. Waves. Sun. Wind. Sky. And (wow) some benches too! It's a wonderful afternoon in a wonderful place....

Piombino in October

Piombino in October

Piombino in October


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