She Left No Note

She Left No Note
Do you enjoy reading mysteries set in Italy? The second book in the Lake Iseo Mysteries, set around Lake Iseo and in Puglia, is out now on Amazon. Click on the picture

Andalucia Day 58 Arlés

The forecast for the day as far as Arlés is pretty bad. There's even an orange weather warning. But we set off anyway, after filling up the car with cheap petrol before leaving Spain. It does rain some of the time and quite heavily in places but we make a couple of stops at the excellent French Aires and get to Arlés for 1.30. Our Airbnb this time is very nice, a room but almost a mini apartment with private bathroom but also fridge, kettle and microwave.


After a rest we go for a stroll around Arlés which grows on us little by little, the pale beige houses with big wooden shutters the colour of lavender leaves or pale olive, the occasional touch of old rose, the wide river and the plane trees now with autumn colours.

river in Arles in November

Arlés also has 2 ancient stone theatres, one next to the other. The main church is unexpectedly free to visit, Gothic in style and with a curiously uneven floor.

Arles in November

It's a very pleasant place to stop on our journey and wander around.
Kilometres by car: 310
Kilometres on foot: 7


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